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Returning serves without knowing the exact spin

Updated: Jul 11

Returning serves comes naturally to some players, but not to me. This was perhaps my biggest challenge to overcome as a player, and I am pleased to share the system I have developed which has now turned 'serve and return' from my biggest weakness to one of my strengths. However, it is not fair to give all the credit to myself and not highlight the pointers given by Imre and many hours of trial and error we did with Kiarash to complete the below system.

So, if you are one of those players that like me, struggle to use the usual recommendations for returning serves, or have come across an opponent with unusually good serves, you might wish to consider using following system. Please note the recommendation would reverse if one of the players is left-handed.

  1. Stand a tad further from the table than your usual position and move forward or sideways accordingly after seeing where the ball is going

  2. Focus on the direction of side spin of the serve (which is usually easier) rather than trying to guess the under/top spin. Pendulum and windshield-wiper serves have side spins towards the body of the server (let’s call them Group A). Tomahawk, Jab, B/H and reverse pendulum serves have side spins away from the body of the server (Group B).

2.      Group A serve to B/H: return with fast B/H topspin/ B/H flick by using your wrist

3.      Group B serve to B/H: return with side-spin chop or soft top spin using your forearm (keep the wrist rigid)

4.      Group A serve to F/H: return with side-spin chop or fast top spin

5.      Group B serve to F/H: put your left foot forward and then return with only a forward swing F/H to the middle of table - For short Group B serves to F/H use aggressive chop,

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