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Dealing with Injuries

Updated: Jun 25

Dealing with injuries and improving my endurance: (Disclaimer: the recommendations made below should not replace seeking specialist advice.)

1.      To continue playing, albeit considerately and mildly, during the peak of injury to avoid formation of fibrosis in your joints (frozen joints).

2.      Importance of stretches before and after each time playing and conditioning your bad joints by using approved stretches like this.

3.      Using Diclofenac (NSAIDs) ointment before a match (if needed) and applying Arnica ointment on aching muscles afterwards.

4.      Improving diet (Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you about having a healthy diet, which is of course beneficial). This is more about the match-day diet for keeping your energy levels up during matches over the course of a tournament. I usually have porridge a couple of hours before a tournament, and then dates during a match (before each set).

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